Just Sociology

The Impact of Neoliberalism on Parenthood and Society: Consuming Our Way to Success

Motherhood and femininity have undergone significant shifts in recent years. In particular, the concept of the “yummy mummy” has emerged as a defining cultural archetype.

This article explores the definition and characteristics of the “yummy mummy,” as well as its criticisms and interpretations. In addition, we will examine the sexualization of motherhood and the class-based analysis of motherhood and parenting.

1) The concept of the “yummy mummy”

Definition and Characteristics of the “yummy mummy”

The “yummy mummy” is a cultural archetype of the contemporary Western society. It refers to white, privileged women who are highly consuming and conform to a maternal ideal.

These women are individualistic and aspire to promote a conservative fantasy of motherhood characterized by glamour and luxury. The term “yummy mummy” originated from the British context and has since spread worldwide.

The “yummy mummy” archetype is defined by its emphasis on materialism, consumerism, and individualism. These women prioritize their own desires and needs, even if it comes at the expense of the environment or their children’s welfare.

They are highly visible in the media and are portrayed as fashionable, stylish, and glamorous. Their social status and identity are largely defined by their wealth and ability to consume.

Criticisms and Interpretations of the “yummy mummy”

Critics of the “yummy mummy” argue that it is a reflection of the neoliberal ideology that has dominated Western societies in recent decades. According to this interpretation, the emergence of the “yummy mummy” is a result of the social crisis caused by the erosion of traditional gender roles and the decline of traditional social institutions.

In addition, the “yummy mummy” is criticized for its limited view of femininity and sexuality. These women are expected to conform to patriarchal norms and to embody an asexual maternal ideal.

The sexualization of the “yummy mummy” is seen as an attempt to break free from this stereotype, but it often reinforces it by promoting the Madonna/whore complex. The emphasis on fashion and beauty also contributes to the depoliticization of motherhood by reducing it to a consumerist activity.

Furthermore, the “yummy mummy” is viewed as a pro-corporate consumer who is anti-environmental. By prioritizing personal consumption over social responsibility, these women contribute to the perpetuation of the capitalist system and to the destruction of the environment.

They also reinforce class distinctions by aligning themselves with the elite and distancing themselves from the working class.

2) Shifts in motherhood and femininity

Sexualization of Motherhood

The sexualization of motherhood is a trend that has emerged in recent years. This is due to the patriarchal norms that view women primarily as sexual objects.

This trend reinforces the view that women are only valuable when they conform to traditional gender roles and are sexually desirable. The “yummy mummy” is a prime example of sexualized motherhood.

These women are often portrayed as sexually desirable and objectified in the media. This reinforces the idea that femininity and motherhood are mutually exclusive, and that the only way to be desirable is to break free from the maternal stereotype.

However, this trend also depoliticizes motherhood by reducing it to a superficial attribute. Rather than being viewed as a complex social role that involves caring for children and shaping their future, motherhood is reduced to a fashion and beauty complex that focuses on superficial appearances.

Class-Based Analysis of Motherhood and Parenting

Motherhood and parenting are class-based activities that reflect the social and economic context in which they are performed. Working-class mothers, for example, face a range of challenges that middle-class stay-at-home mothers do not.

These include limited access to healthcare, less time to spend with their children, and financial insecurity. The neoliberal ideology that has dominated Western societies has led to the individualization and responsibilization of motherhood.

This means that mothers are increasingly burdened with the responsibility for their children’s outcomes, even though they have limited control over the economic, social, and political conditions that shape these outcomes. Furthermore, the demonization of working-class and political mothers is a result of the emphasis on individual responsibility.

By blaming these women for their children’s outcomes, rather than focusing on the structural barriers they face, the neoliberal ethos enables the class divide between middle-class and working-class mothers to persist.


The “yummy mummy” is a defining cultural archetype that reflects the shifts in motherhood and femininity in contemporary Western societies. It promotes a consumerist, individualistic, and glamour-oriented view of motherhood that reinforces neoliberal capitalism and the patriarchal norms that underpin it.

The sexualization of motherhood and the class-based analysis of motherhood and parenting are also significant aspects of this shift, revealing the complex social and economic context in which motherhood is performed.The impact of neoliberalism on parenthood and society has transformed the way we view and participate in parenthood. This article will explore the impact that neoliberalism has had on parenthood and society.

Specifically, we will examine the consumerism and individualization associated with hyper-individualized psychological maturity, the self-governing subject that is prevalent in today’s society. Additionally, we will look at neoliberal policies that fuel anti-environmentalism, and the delimitation of concerns which creates a divide between frugality and consumption.

3) Impact of Neoliberalism on Parenthood and Society

Consumerism and Individualization

The neoliberal ideology has created a society that emphasizes hyper-individualized psychological maturity. We live in a society that values the self-governing subject, who is responsible for their own success and well-being.

This ideal has impacted parenthood, creating a culture of consumption and aspirational figures that parents are expected to strive towards. Parenting has become more focused on consumption and individualization, with parents often feeling pressure to provide their children with high-consumption lifestyles.

The “yummy mummy” archetype is a prime example of this, where mothers are expected to be fabulously glamorous, able to balance motherhood with high-consumption lifestyles. The result is a society that places more value on material possessions and status than on family values.

The rise of social media has exacerbated this trend, creating a culture of comparison and competition, where parents feel pressure to keep up with other families. This has led to an unrealistic expectation of parenthood, with parents feeling that they need to provide their children with everything, including material possessions and experiences.

Anti-Environmentalism and Neoliberal Policies

The delimitation of concerns is another issue caused by neoliberal policies. Society tends to segregate different aspects of our lives rather than treating them as interconnected.

This has created an environmental crisis, where individuals are often not aware of the impact their consumption has on the environment. Anti-environmentalism is fueled by neoliberal policies that prioritize economic growth and consumerism over environmental concerns.

The focus on economic growth creates a culture of consumption and increasing demands for goods and services that are unsustainable in the long run. This has led to the destruction of the environment, with natural resources being depleted at an alarming rate.

Rather than promoting frugality, which would help mitigate the impact of our consumption on the environment, neoliberal policies cast frugal-consumers as freaks. This creates a culture that values consumption and sees frugality as an anomaly.

The result is a society that is heavily consumptive and one that is damaging to the environment. Environmentalism is considered overtly political, and the result is that policies related to environmental concerns are often pushed to the side by neoliberal policymakers.

This separation between politics and environmentalism has created a culture that prioritizes economic growth over the impact of our actions on the environment.


The impact of neoliberalism on parenthood and society has created a culture focused on hyper-individualized psychological maturity, consumption, and aspirational figures. Society is more focused on material possessions and status, with parents feeling pressure to provide their children with high-consumption lifestyles.

The rise of social media has exacerbated this trend, creating a culture of comparison and competition. Additionally, neoliberal policies have fueled anti-environmentalism, creating a culture that prioritizes economic growth and consumption over environmental concerns.

The delimitation of concerns has created a society that is heavily consumptive and damaging to the environment. Neoliberal policies have also cast frugality as an anomaly, leading to a culture that values consumption and severs the connection between politics and environmentalism.

In conclusion, the impact of neoliberalism on parenthood and society is far-reaching and continues to shape our lives. We must recognize the impact that neoliberal policies have on our daily lives and work toward creating a society that values sustainability, and not just economic growth and consumption.


The impact of neoliberalism on parenthood and society has created a culture focused on consumption, individualization, and damaging environmental consequences. The rise of social media has exacerbated these trends, creating a culture of competition and comparison that creates unrealistic expectations for parents.

Neoliberal policies have further perpetuated these issues by prioritizing economic growth over environmental concerns and creating a culture of anti-environmentalism. It’s essential to recognize these issues and work towards creating sustainable and more equitable societies.


Q: What is the “yummy mummy” archetype? A: The “yummy mummy” archetype is a cultural and maternal ideal that emerged from contemporary Western society, characterized by consumerism, individualism, and glamourous maternal appearance.

Q: How has neoliberalism affected parenthood and society? A: Neoliberalism has created a culture of consumption, individualization, and damaging environmental consequences while prioritizing economic growth and limiting environmental concerns.

Q: Why is social media a problem for parenthood? A: Social media exacerbates trends of competition and unrealistic expectations for parents.

Q: How has neoliberalism affected environmentalism? A: Neoliberalism has created a culture of anti-environmentalism that prioritizes economic growth over environmental concerns.

Q: What is the delimitation of concerns? A: The delimitation of concerns is a separation between politics and environmentalism that prioritizes economic growth and consumption over environmental concerns.

Q: What can be done to create a more equitable society? A: Recognizing these issues and working towards sustainable and equitable societies is essential.

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