Just Sociology

The Truth Behind Covid-19: Narrow Mainstream Media vs Alternative News

The Coronavirus, commonly known as Covid-19, took the world by surprise in 2019 and has since become a global pandemic that has affected millions of lives in different ways. The mainstream media has been the go-to source of information for many people seeking updates on the virus.

However, concerns have been raised regarding the mainstream media’s coverage of the pandemic, with some arguing that it has been narrow and exaggerated. This article aims to explore the mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19 and alternative news sources that provide insightful commentary on the pandemic.

Mainstream Media Coverage of Coronavirus

Narrow Agenda and Exaggerated Death Rates

Official statistics on Covid-19 death rates have been a major topic of discussion in the media. However, the way the mainstream media presents these official death statistics has come under scrutiny.

The media has been accused of focusing too narrowly on Covid-19 death rates, resulting in an exaggerated view of the pandemic’s impact. This approach has potentially contributed to increased levels of panic, discouragement, and even depression.

Lack of Critical Debate on Solutions

A key feature of most public problems is the need to address them through collective solutions. However, the mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19 has been characterized by individualized solutions that neglect the wider socio-economic and political implications of the pandemic.

For instance, there has been a lack of critical debate on the efficacy of face masks, lockdowns, and vaccinations as potential solutions. This type of coverage limits the public’s input and peddles a single-story narrative, undermining democratic processes and public engagement.

Disregard for Less Focused Consequences

The mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19 has also overlooked less focused consequences such as the impact of the pandemic on already existing class divides. Reports have shown that the pandemic has had an unequal impact on different socio-economic groups, with some suffering more than others.

The media’s narrow focus on Covid-19 death rates and prevention strategies has resulted in an inadequate analysis of the impact of the pandemic on different groups, undermining the potential for effective policy interventions.

Advertising and Commercialization

Finally, the mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19 has been characterized by advertising and commercialization, where the pandemic becomes an opportunity to market domestic services and ramp up the production of essential products. This approach has contributed to the trivialization of the pandemic, where its serious implications are overshadowed by a focus on boosting the economy.

Alternative News Sources

The Conversation

One possible solution to the narrow coverage of mainstream media outlets is to turn to alternative news sources. The Conversation is a not-for-profit news website that provides insightful articles on the potential consequences of Covid-19, pandemics, and other global issues.

The website features articles written by academics and experts, providing an innovative solution to the mainstream media’s problem of misinformation.

The Corbett Report

Another alternative news source that provides critical commentaries on global geopolitics and world government is

The Corbett Report. Originating from independent journalism, this news outlet is predominantly focused on providing solutions to political problems and promoting alternative perspectives on social issues.

The Corbett Report provides a more comprehensive analysis of the Covid-19 pandemic that takes into account the political and economic implications of the pandemic.

The Last American Vagabond

The Last American Vagabond is another alternative news source that provides critical commentaries on global social control and human rights. It provides an important platform for discussing the potential implications of the Covid-19 pandemic on global social control measures and human rights abuses.

This news outlet provides a unique perspective on the pandemic that is not found in the mainstream media. @Vforvapid on Hive.blog

Social media platforms have also provided alternative news sources, such as @Vforvapid on Hive.blog.

The user provides critical commentary on the Covid-19 bail-out, highlighting the ways in which large corporations have benefited from the pandemic while ordinary people continue to suffer. This news source provides an important insight into the political and economic implications of Covid-19 policies.

The David Icke Covid-19 Interview

Finally, the David Icke Covid-19 Interview provides a controversial but innovative perspective on the pandemic. The interview focuses on the censorship of free speech and the anti-censorship movement, highlighting the ways in which the mainstream media has become a tool for controlling the narrative around the pandemic.

Overall, this interview provides a critical perspective on the role of the media in shaping public opinion and discourse.


In conclusion, the mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19 has been largely narrow, exaggerated, and commercialized. Alternative news sources such as The Conversation,

The Corbett Report,

The Last American Vagabond, @Vforvapid on Hive.blog, and the David Icke Covid-19 Interview provide critical commentaries on the pandemic from different perspectives.

These news sources challenge the single-story narrative peddled by the mainstream media, providing a more comprehensive analysis of the pandemic’s impact. Ultimately, alternative news sources provide the much-needed diversity of perspective in public discourse around Covid-19 and other public problems.

In conclusion, this article explored the mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19 and alternative news sources that provide insightful commentary on the pandemic. The article highlighted the narrow agenda and exaggerated death rates, lack of critical debate on solutions, disregard for less-focused consequences, and advertising and commercialization in the media’s coverage of Covid-19.

Moreover, the article discussed alternative news sources such as The Conversation,

The Corbett Report,

The Last American Vagabond, @Vforvapid on Hive.blog, and the David Icke Covid-19 Interview that provide critical commentaries on the pandemic from different perspectives. It is essential to consider these alternative news sources for a comprehensive understanding of the pandemic’s impact on society.


Q. What is the mainstream media’s coverage of Covid-19’s impact?

A. The mainstream media’s coverage has been characterized by a narrow agenda and exaggerated death rates, a lack of critical debate on solutions, disregard for less-focused consequences, and advertising and commercialization.

Q. How do alternative news sources provide a different perspective on Covid-19?

A. Alternative news sources such as The Conversation,

The Corbett Report,

The Last American Vagabond, @Vforvapid on Hive.blog, and the David Icke Covid-19 Interview provide critical commentaries on the pandemic from different perspectives, promoting a comprehensive analysis of the pandemic’s impact.

Q. Why is it essential to consider alternative news sources?

A. Alternative news sources provide diverse and innovative perspectives on Covid-19 and other public problems, challenging the single-story narrative peddled by the mainstream media and promoting a more comprehensive analysis of social issues.

Q. How do alternative news sources differ from mainstream media sources?

A. Alternative news sources are often not-for-profit and feature articles and commentaries written by scholars, academics, and independent experts, while mainstream media is often commercialized and follows a specific agenda.

Q. How can alternative news sources help in public policy decisions during a pandemic?

A. Alternative news sources provide insights and recommendations on policy directions that take into account diverse perspectives, promoting better-informed public policy decisions.

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